It Starts with Me...
Let's change the culture of our community starting with Apopka, and then the country.
All of us as one body of Christ!
Come once, and you are family!
Remnant Christian Center is a place where lasting healing is established and your identity in Christ is revealed. We strive for people to grow in the love of God through prayer, discipleship, accountability, and fellowship while recognizing your God given gifts.
RCC’s Mission: (Why we exist)
Our mission is to be an active community of ordinary people living an extraordinary life in Christ by the authentic power of the Holy Spirit.
RCC’s Vision: (Our focus)
Our vision is to restore the identity in Christ and raise up disciples that are set apart to transform our city and beyond.
RCC’s Core Values
Be rooted in the identity of Christ through inner healing and wholeness of the soul.
A local church which promote biblical community and fellowship
Committed to discipling and equipping all to discover and use their God-given gifts and talents.
Be active in outreach, and evangelism in our city & beyond which demonstrates God’s love through acts of kindness
A church that practices and values a culture of personal and corporate prayer
Equipping The Church with End Time Theology & Understanding to Prepare The Church for the 2nd Coming of the Lord
RCC’s Practices
Be rooted in identity - Modeling Christ and demonstrating love by being available for people
Biblical community - gathering regularly with one another to develop organic relationships (i.e. teaching, training, connect groups, services, etc.)
Discipling and equipping - Proactively preaching, teaching, training and mentoring also, releasing the use spiritual gifts, talents, and learned skills.
Outreach and Evangelism – planned outreaches, organized evangelism and personal witnessing
Priority in prayer – regular corporate prayer times, encouraging personal prayer, prayer chat "Groupme"
Learning to live life with an urgent expectancy of Christ return at anytime
1. Fellowship & communion with God; 2. Fellowship with other people; 3. Connectivity with the message & culture of the local church; 4. Connecting by releasing your gifts
RCC is a church community that will provide opportunities to serve the local church and our surrounding cities by using your God-given gifts and talents. We desire RCC to be a place where your gifts and talents will be used to the fullest in the areas that your heart comes alive the most.
One of the exciting visions of Remnant Christian Center is to create a culture where all kinds of arts are welcomed and can be freely expressed as a form of worship to the Lord Jesus Christ.
RCC desires to be a place of outreach to our city and those that do not know the Lord. We desire to be a church community that is actively seeking to reach and save the lost, and care for those that are in need in our community.